Monday, September 17, 2007

We love New York!

And we can say that for real now since we've been there! A few weeks ago Eric had a work assignment that required him to stay overnight in Manhattan. His company likes him so much that they paid for Sawyer and me to go too. We were there for less than 24 hours, so we didn't get even close to doing everything we wanted to (like visiting Andrea and Jeremy - we'll get you next time!) But we saw some sites, ate some terrific food, and stayed in a swanky hotel, so it was a great trip. Next time we'll go sans Sawyer! Here are some pictures. New York Trip


  1. Oh how fun! I love the picture of Sawyer walking in Central Park. The look on his face is awesome. It seems like you squeezed a lot into the day trip. Go you guys!

  2. Looks like a good time. That looks like a very nice hotel. I love NY too!


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