Saturday, March 27, 2010

Budding Artist

Sawyer has become obsessed with writing and drawing lately, which I'm thrilled about, because until very recently he had absolutely no interest in picking up a writing instrument of any kind. Now he'll sit at the table for long periods of time tracing letters and numbers and shapes, and getting more creative too. Here's his first recognizable drawing: "a face with arms."

Often he asks me to draw something for him so he can try to copy it. It's challenging for me since I'm not an artist (AT ALL). I do OK when he asks for a puppy, or a tree, or even Lightning McQueen. But yesterday he came up with a new one: "Mama, draw windy." So I drew a tree with lines going by to signify wind. Then he said, "Draw germs." Um...germs just look like little bugs, right? So I drew something resembling little spiders. Then, "Draw penguin germs." Sorry son. I can't draw that without doing some research. How about a smiley face instead?


  1. That is too funny. Kids freakin kill me with some of the things they say. And don't feel bad because I wouldn't know how to draw penguin germs either...

  2. penguin germs? maybe they get lice??

  3. Penguin germs? Love his thinking! :)

  4. I love how creative kids' minds are.

    So did you take that picture in your header? With the leaves? It's so beautiful.

  5. I love how creative kids' minds are.

    So did you take that picture in your header? With the leaves? It's so beautiful.

  6. I love how creative kids' minds are.

    So did you take that picture in your header? With the leaves? It's so beautiful.

  7. i love when they first start to draw recognizable things, and dagny is just starting, so it's a relief to know that she's on track with someone else her age. i see some four year old's who are disgustingly precocious and i worry about my little gal in KG next year with a bunch of red-shirted six year old's making her feel dopey (and in case you're planning on holding sawyer back so he'll be one of those kids i mean to imply no judgement upon you whatsoever - ha ha ha)


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