Monday, September 01, 2008


The other night before bed, Sawyer started asking for "Colbert". Since we're big fans of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, I assumed he was in the mood for some jaunty political humor. But even after a few Bush jokes, he kept saying "Colbert, Colbert, Colbert!" As it turns out, this is what he was referring to:

It all makes sense: Colbert = polar bear! He's been playing with it non-stop for the past several days and asks for it at bed and nap time. He goes through phases with his stuffed animals where he'll be attached to one for a while and then move on, but this is the first time he's ever named one - albeit unintentionally. Welcome to the family, Colbert!


  1. ok that is too cute!

  2. That is funny! I was like - wow he is already in to politics!

  3. That is funny, although I have no idea who Colbert is

  4. Hahaha! At first I thought maybe he was saying "cold bear", but I like that he actually NAMED the bear "Colbert." That is awesome.

  5. I love to know others who are Colbert fans! I've been dying to go get my picture taken with his at the portrait museum in DC...what you you say???

    He won an emmy last night, I just love him.


Give it to me straight!

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