Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ready for Retrieval

There it is - the big needle that gave me 0.4 of Lupron, and that thankfully I didn't have to jab into myself. I was supposed to trigger at 12:30 a.m., and Eric walked in the door from Dallas at 12:28! Just in the nick of time. The shot itself wasn't bad. And this morning my bloodwork confirmed that the trigger worked and my LH is nice and high.

LH-96.9 (they want it over 15)
P4-8.07, I'll be starting PIO tomorrow to get that number up before embryo transfer.

Tomorrow my surgery is at 12:30. We have to be at the main center at 11:00 with photo IDs and no perfume. Tonight I'll take Azithromycin and NO Lovenox. They didn't tell me about the Lovenox at first, but I randomly thought "Hmm, maybe I should ask about that" at my appointment today and the nurse told me not to take it tonight or tomorrow or we wouldn't be able to do the retrieval. Good thing I asked!

So that needles today. All day. (Well, other than the blood draw this morning.) I almost forgot what it's like not to have all those shots. Turns out it's pretty nice.


  1. YAY!!! You're almost there, can't wait to hear your update on retrieval! Best of luck tomorrow rest up, get your gatorade and relax after and get your pineapple! xoxo! Tonya

  2. Yea, sounds like things are going just the way they should. I cant wait to see those two little lines!!! :)


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